Googal Adsence acount ,good methed

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Googal Adsence acount ,good methed

Post by -=kamal=- »

money on internet than the most legit and dependable method is known as Google Adsense. I have seen many programs online and join them as well but sooner or later they turned into scam and eventually I lose all my money and time too. So if anybody wants to earn money but don’t wanted to take risk then Adsense is for you. Adsense is an advertising program from Google in which you put some code on your blog or website and they show some ads via this code onto your website.
All this seems very easy and good but the hard part is that Google is very strict when it comes to Adsense program and policies. So you have to realize the fact that you have to take Adsense seriously like a business and be patient. The good thing is that you can create Google Adsense account via 6 different ways which means that if any way is not suitable for you, you can create your account via another way. But the thing is same for all ways that put unique fresh and quality content on each website so that Google will not ban your Adsense account.


If you don’t have blog/website than you can still create Google Adsense account with the help of Flixya. Flixya is a social networking Revenue sharing website where you share images, videos and blogs with other users and make friends. In all this fun activity you also make money. When you create free account on Flixya they give you your personal username URL so that when a visitor visits your URL they see only content uploaded by you. Around your content you can also publish Google Adsense ads.

Just upload your own images, videos or blogs and after 10 content uploads Flixya gives you the option to signup Google Adsense via Monetize menu. After that you have to fill Adsense form and wait for 1 or 2 days. If Google have no objection on your content your account will approved and you can display adds on Flixya as well as website which is according to Google Program and policies.
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