How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver

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Re: How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver


Post by muhammadasghar »

PtvSports working softcam.key share please
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Re: How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver


Post by arslantahir1 »

muhammadasghar wrote: 30 Oct 2022, 9:10 pm PtvSports working softcam.key share please

F CCDB0588 00 ABCD108811136589
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Re: How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver


Post by Jessicabuckley219 »

To automatically find and add BISS keys on your Zgemma H9.2S Linux receiver, you can use a plugin like Auto Biss Key available in the receiver's plugin repository. First, ensure your receiver is connected to the internet. Then, access the Plugins menu and search for the Auto BISS Key plugin. Once installed, it will automatically scan and update the BISS keys for available channels. Additionally, you can manually add keys by navigating to the Softcam or Key Editor menu, depending on your firmware version, and input the required BISS key.
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Re: How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver


Post by photoretouching »

To auto-find or add BISS keys on a Linux receiver, you can utilize specific plugins and follow these steps:

Installation and Usage of BissFeedAutoKey Plugin:
For Zgemma H9.2S or Similar Enigma2 Receivers:
Installation: Begin by transferring the BissFeedAutoKey.tar.gz file to the /tmp folder on your receiver using an FTP tool. Then, use telnet to execute the following commands one by one:
rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/BissFeedAutoKey
mkdir /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/BissFeedAutoKey
tar -xzf /tmp/BissFeedAutoKey.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/BissFeedAutoKey
Usage: Once installed, this plugin shows feed information reported on sat-universe. When you scan frequencies and find a BISS encrypted feed, the plugin will display the control word (CW), transponder details, and other relevant information. To add the CW to your receiver:
Press the OK button on your remote to insert the #CW key into the Softcam.key file. This action will automatically restart your softcam (like OSCam, GCAM, CCcam, NCam, etc.) if your plugin settings are correctly configured. If not, you'll need to restart the softcam manually.
Ensure your OSCam configuration is set up correctly by checking the oscam.conf file in the config folder for the correct HTTP port (usually 8888) and allow access from localhost in the httpallowed section. Disable username and password in the web interface settings for easier access.

General Tips for BISS Key Management:
Manual Entry: If you prefer or need to enter keys manually, you'll need to navigate into the receiver's menu, find the BISS key section, and enter the key manually. The exact steps can vary based on the model but generally involve going to a "Patch" or "BISS Key" menu where you can input the key.

Software Updates: Ensure your receiver's firmware supports BISS key auto-roll or at least manual entry. Some receivers might require you to update software or install specific plugins for this functionality.

Tools and Plugins:
KeyAdder Plugin: If you're working with feeds and BISS keys, you might also consider using the KeyAdder plugin, which can help manage keys directly on your receiver.

Crypt8 Tool: For those interested in finding BISS keys from .ts files, tools like Crypt8 can be useful, although they require a bit more technical setup and understanding of how to interpret the data.

Remember, the exact functionality and method might differ slightly depending on the specific model of your Linux receiver, but these steps provide a general guide for managing BISS keys on such devices. Always consult your receiver's documentation or community forums for model-specific instructions.
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Re: How to Auto find/add biss keys on Linux receiver


Post by Houdini0 »

Jessicabuckley219 wrote: 21 Dec 2024, 11:45 am To automatically find and add BISS keys on your Zgemma H9.2S Linux receiver, you can use a plugin like Auto Biss Key available in the receiver's plugin repository. First, ensure your receiver is connected to the internet. Then, access the Plugins menu and search for the Auto BISS Key plugin. Once installed, it will automatically scan and update the BISS keys for available channels. Additionally, you can manually add keys by navigating to the Softcam or Key Editor menu, depending on your firmware version, and input the required BISS key.
Auto BISS Key definitely makes life easier, but manual input can come in handy too, especially if you’ve got a reliable source. Just make sure you have internet and an updated key list – the rest should be smooth sailing.
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