Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable

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Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by ayanahmed »

Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual + Portable *KEY* | 24.05 MB

Total Commander (former Wincmd) is a file manager for Windows similar to the Windows Explorer. But Total Commander uses a different approach: it has two fixed windows side by side like a well-known file manager for DOS.
- Two file windows side by side
- Multiple language and Unicode support
- Enhanced search function
- Compare files (now with editor) / synchronize directories
- Quick View panel with bitmap display
- ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
- Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
- Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
- Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history+favorites buttons
- Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
- Compare editor, cursor in lister, separate trees, logging, enhanced overwrite dialog etc.
- Unicode names almost everywhere, long names (>259 characters), password manager for ftp and plugins, synchronize empty dirs, 64 bit context menu, quick file filter (Ctrl+S)
- New: USB port connection via special direct transfer cable, partial branch view (Ctrl+Shift+B), and many imporvements to ftp, synchronizing and other functions
And many more!

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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

06.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 4

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Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Draw focused directory with dark text on white background (32/64)
Fixed: cm_gotofirstentry and cm_gotofirstfile didn't update inactive cursor position (with SelectionFocus!=0) when Total Commander didn't have the focus (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty dirs were sometimes not shown when there was a hidden directory elsewhere in the compared directories (32/64)
Fixed: The dialogs of some plugins (e.g. SFTP: Properties) had garbled text in the title bar (reason: subclassing of dialog box class to intercept Ctrl+C from MessageBox) (32/64)
Added: Find files: "F2 search in found files" now also searches in previously found folders (32/64)
Fixed: Right click context menu on file in archive didn't support verbs from multiple internal associations (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Corrected look of sorting headers with themes disabled (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons F3, F4 etc. looked different with flat buttons disabled and highlight color changed (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, File lists: thumb box was too high with classic theme when there were a lot of items in the list (32/64)
Fixed: FTP direct server to server transfers (FxP): Copying the timestamp could fail because it was sent to the wrong server (32/64)
Fixed: Added: Allow to check both "Show square brackets [] around directories" and "Append " if the second one is checked first (DirBrackets=3 in wincmd.ini) (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Couldn't go back to previous searches when the search parameters were invalid, e.g. the start path didn't exist (32/64)
Added: When adding new colors by file type, set the color for the other mode (dark/normal) too. Can be changed afterwards via Dark<>Normal button (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Draw breadcrumb bar dropdown list with thin 1 pixel border (32/64)
Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): use plain text connection via PROT C if the user has defined it in "Send commands" for the connection (32/64)
Fixed: Internal command LOADSELECTION now looks for list file in active panel if no path is specified (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options: Set current directory to left path when opening configuration dialog (also in associate, internal associations, multi-rename, compare by content, user menu), for various file open dialogs (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Apply settings with VerifyEnabled=0 -> Option "Use Explorer delete" disappeared (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+Tab during drag&drop no longer worked, the drag operation was aborted (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Lister main menu didn't switch from dark to normal mode after cm_SwitchDarkmode and activating lister (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Removed panel border also when there are no tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Folder tabs: Only use highlight color for active tab borders, not for inactive tab borders (32/64)
Fixed: Printing: Catch error "Access denied" (64)
Fixed: Lister: "Define view method by file type" took precedence over command line paramter /S=L:Pplugin (32/64)
Fixed: Right click on button bar shown as menu no longer opened the button context menu (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: 2 buttons in "Change attributes" were not translated, as well as the buttons F3 and F4 in "Find files" (64)
Fixed: Configuration - Button bar had wrong width for items in the upper list if there were too few items in the bar (32)
Fixed: Find files: Uncheck option "F2 search in search results" when user clicks on "New search" (32/64)
Added: FTP, Shift+F5 copy file within server: Support options "Copy via local PC" and "Preserve file dates" (32/64)
Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): Couldn't copy files between FTPS servers if they didn't support SSCN -> use plain text connection via PROT C (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Drive combobox had white background after connecting to FTP server (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Lister buttons in search and settings were not themed when Lister was started as a separate process via Totalcmd.exe /S=L <filename> (32)
Fixed: Dark mode: Crash when opening sub-menu in the main menu and not choosing any command (64)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

13.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 5

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Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Text thumbnails were not drawn with darker background (64)
Added: Dark mode: Show border around file panels when not using the option "Flat user interface" (32/64)
Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingMarginFlags=3 determines whether: 1: vertical lists (e.g. Full view), or 2: horizontal lists (Brief view) should be scrolled automatically, or both (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox (64)
Added: FTP, send commands: Allow to send semicolons within a command by duplicating it, e.g. CWD /test/a;;b;;c;PWD sends commands CWD /test/a;b;c and PWD (32/64)
Added: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Add dark mode for scrollbars in the listbox part of comboboxes (e.g. Configuration - Button bar) (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Listboxes with horizontal scrolling (e.g. button bar change dialog, icon library selection) had light scrollbars (323)
Fixed: Shift+F5 in FTP connection (server to server transfer) dialog didn't work properly, e.g. copy to other server no longer worked (32/64)
Added: Upload from archive directly to FTP: Option to preserve timestamps if the server supports it (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: In "Unpack Specific Files" (Alt+F9), the edit box sometimes became white when one of the comboboxes opened upwards (dialog at the bottom) (32/64
Added: Dark mode: Always show border around current path, also when using tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog "System information" was scaled twice on high DPI screens, so some fields were overlapping (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not show vertical scrollbar in dark mode (32/64)
Fixed: Configure custom columns: Placement of up/down button was wrong if there were many columns and the list was scrolled down (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Tooltips in main window and dialogs like multi-rename were not dark (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy, click on "Options", then on disk icon: added new translation for confirmation dialog (32/64)
Fixed: FTP toolbar: Background color of text inside the bar wrong after switching from dark to normal mode (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: In mode 8 (Explorer preview mode), make text "Explorer" translatable (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: scrollbar to jump to next/previous error not dark themed (64)
Fixed: Dark mode, main menu: Menu items not drawn correctly when menu was higher than the screen (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Resizing the cm_CommandBrowser window would make scrollbars and edit box white -> redraw with a timer (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, apply new language in main settings dialog: Some buttons were not shown dark (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme, flat user interface disabled: Draw frames around free/total disk space and status line in dark frame color (32/64)
Fixed: Windows Vista, classic theme: Main menu background remained black after switching to dark mode and back (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: Do not show error when viewing a LNK file which cannot be resolved. Show link content instead (32/64)
Fixed: FTP remote copy with Shift+F5 didn't work if the server supports SSCN but the user set PROT C in "Send commands" (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when opening main menu with icons in menu enabled, but wcmicon*.* files missing (64)
Fixed: Find files: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" wasn't enabled when only folders were found (32/64)
Fixed: Context menu for choosing archive encoding didn't have black border (the menu is always bright in 32-bit) (64)
Fixed: Overlay for USB drive didn't have transparent background in drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
Fixed: Standalone search would not start searching in the current directory when started without parameter (when there was a separate help file for that language in the language directory) (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Items were not drawn correctly on the line with the focus (64)
Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Font was wrong (32)
Fixed: Main menu: Checked items were no longer shown with a separate checkmark (when not showing them as pressed buttons) (64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: Alt+Tab to other program during drag, then Alt+Tab back -> wrong cursor shown (64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+Q Quick View panel didn't switch text and background color from/to dark mode (32/64)
Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Shift+Double click on a command/Shift+Click OK didn't always correctly copy non-English characters (32/64)
Fixed: Context menu hanging when using internal associations with option "Load extra commands from all matching types" and one of the "open" commands wasn't * or ** (32/64)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

11.12.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 9

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Fixed: Dark mode: focus rectangles on buttons were not dotted but dashed (bug in function CreatePen) (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: Configuration - Options - Ignore list still had white scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: When using "current dir only", found folders were also counted as files (32/64)
Fixed: NOCLOSE.EXE: Do not quote command after /K when using (32)
Fixed: Find files - Load/Save: The list was no longer sorted alphabetically, and therefore had reduced quick search (32)
Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Drive icons could be invisible when they had to be scaled for higher DPI (32)
Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6) was closed by mistake when pressing cursor left at leftmost position, and quick view was open (64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Going to next/previous difference may skip results when only showing differences with 0 extra lines (32/64)
Fixed: FTP connect: If AUTH TLS/SSL fails, retry with it enabled if the user confirms to retry (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: Combobox "View mode" showed modes from file system plugins while in a plugin, although they cannot be set this way (32/64)
Fixed: FTP upload in background would send file to wrong directory if "Send commands" contained a command to change directory (32/64)
Added: Auto-convert sharepoint URLs like https://intranet/projects/123/ABCD/Documents/... to \\intranet\DavWWWRoot\projects\123\ABCD\Documents\... in button bar, command line etc. (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Preview for synchronize dirs used wrong background color if the file list background wasn't the default (32/64)
Fixed: Dark mode: FTP log panel didn't have dark scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
Fixed: Made buttons for USB drives without drive letter 2 pixels wider (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Preview: Reduce font size for file lists and title bars if the list/main window font was set very large (32/64)
Added: cm_rereadsource: Parameter 1 forces refresh even if nothing has changed in that directory, e.g. to re-load icons and overlays (32/64)
Fixed: USB drives without drive letters: button could get focused when clicking on it twice (32/64)
Fixed: Find files - Duplicates - Feed to listbox - Select files: Second tab had different upper and lower part colors (64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar button to open dropdown list sometimes had wrong colors, e.g. after switching between normal and dark mode (32/64)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

05.02.20 Release Total Commander 9.50 final (32/64)

Fixed: Cancelling master password dialog kept keyboard hook active by mistake (32)
Fixed: Compare by content, vertical arrangement with lists of different height, only showing differences: Error displaying empty lines below the end of the files (32/64)
Fixed: Hide button "Dark<->Normal" in Configuration - Options - Color - "Define colors by file type" when the dark mode options are disabled with ForceDarkModeOptions=0, or unsupported (32/64)
Fixed: Overlapping groups in Configuration - Options - Operation (32)
Fixed: Do not show dark main menu in Windows 95, it doesn't work properly due to missing functions (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: No checkbox drawn in background transfer manager (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button "[=?] Plugin": Quick search for multiple characters no longer worked (same also in button bar dialog - magnifying glass button) (32)
Fixed: Dark mode, background transfer manager: Aborting operation by clicking on close button could freeze the main program when minimized to system tray (32/64)
Fixed: If there is a popup window (e.g. main settings) while refreshing a remote or plugin directory, show the progress dialog with this popup as the parent (32/64)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

25.03.20 Release Total Commander 9.51 final

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Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: With some preview handlers, a minimized Lister couldn't be restored any more by clicking on its taskbar icon (32/64)
Fixed: Edit comment (Ctrl+Z) didn't work with option "DOS charset" when the current encoding wasn't "Western" (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Disallow Explorer preview (mode '8') for font files due to a security hole in Windows font handler. Can be enabled manually after Microsoft releases a patch via wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontPreview=1 or FontPreview=2 for only Windows 10 1607 or newer, where fonts are loaded outside the kernel (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Ignore last (incorrect) semicolon in "Search in" field when searching in multiple paths, e.g. c:\path1;d:\path2; (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Create Checksum File(s): When creating separate checksum files per file or folder, skip all files in subfolders which have the same extension as the created checksum, e.g. create sha256 checksum -> skip all with extension .sha256 (32/64)
Fixed: Command line, CM_LIST and CM_LISTINTERNALONLY: Delete trailing spaces from name (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs with ZIP archive: Remove warning about stuck ESC key, which was shown when closing warning about read-only ZIP archive with ESC (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Preview could hang when holding down '8', 'n' or 'p' key (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Hotkey '8' invoked switch to Explorer preview twice (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open Quick view panel and separate Lister with Explorer preview each, close Lister so Quick view panel gets focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open 2 Lister windows with Explorer preview, close one
so the other gets the focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

Total Commander 10.00 beta 3

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25.03.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 3
25.03.21 Fixed: The correct codepage wasn't always detected when the system uses "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in regional settings (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Show registration name with accents correctly even when the system uses "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in regional settings (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player to any text mode sometimes didn't repaint the background (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player via numeric keypad caused an access violation (32/64)
25.03.21 Added: Lister: Write log file which DirectShow filters were loaded (32/64)
24.03.21 Added: 3 new internal fields: tc->ZoneId, tc->HostUrl and tc->ReferrerUrl read these fields from Zone.Identifier stream data. ZoneId is set to 0 if not present (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Support Unicode format in Zone.Identifier stream data (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: When using dialog box scaling in Configuration - Options - Font, the scale factor was lost when using the quick search window, but only on Windows older than 10 (64)
24.03.21 Added: Compare by content: Ctrl+Mouse wheel now scrolls the two line panel at the bottom even when the mouse isn't on it. Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Wheel still scrolls by page (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Bug in Windows 10 21337 (developer preview), there is no more HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew key, but the Explorer still shows an entry in the "New" context menu. Solution: Always add an entry for .txt files on Windows 10 (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Media player: The volume trackbar now also reacts to a click by going directly to the clicked position, like the track position trackbar (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Media player: The mouse wheel direction was reversed on both the track position and volume trackbar, wheel up should increase the value (32/64)
24.03.21 Added: wincmd.ini[Lister] SavePositionLimit=600: From the specified length in seconds, the media player saves the last position of the track being played (audio or video). The default is 10 minutes (600 seconds). -1 switches off the saving of the position completely. [LastTracks] is not cleared when changing this option (32/64)
23.03.21 Added: Updated the internal regular expression library to latest version from (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Scroll bottom 2 line compare list into view if the text is shorter than the available space, e.g. when resizing the window or jumping to a shorter line (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Lister, press '4' while music or video is playing: Wait for player thread to terminate when loading a plugin next (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Beta 2 no longer started on Windows 2000 due to the call to GetRunningObjectTable (allowing GraphEdit/GraphStudioNext to access it) (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Button bar: When opening a subbar, do not show link pointing back to main bar when OPENBAR command is used (it was already hidden when only using the bar file name) (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Installer: Ignore unknown permissions, and do not check target folder permissions when started with parameter /W0 (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Lister, new media player: Playback volume was not preserved between tracks (32/64)
21.03.21 Added: Sort columns in Custom columns dialog (Configure this custom columns view) with Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If user pastes comment with multiple Unix line breaks to existing comment, extra characters could be stored behind the comment (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Closing modal dialog which was opened previously in another Total Commander window wasn't prevented when clicking on [X] button in the title bar (64)
21.03.21 Added: Set name field from static control also for listboxes (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Set name field for edit boxes and comboboxes for each tab page separately to load dialog more quickly (32/64)
20.03.21 Fixed: Dark mode only: Border overlapping in main configuration dialog on pages "View mode" and Zip Packer" (32/64)
20.03.21 Fixed: Lister: By default, disable Uniscribe on Windows 9x/ME for Unicode (32)
19.03.21 Added: Compiled unrar.dll from sources for Windows 9x/ME (Ansi, not Unicode) and Windows 2000 (missing functions) to replace old UNRAR9X.DLL (32)
19.03.21 Added: Compare by content: Directly jump from left panel to the bottom 2 line compare list (and back) with Ctrl+Tab (32/64)
19.03.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Limit width of bottom 2 line compare list to the longer of the two displayed lines only, not the maximum of all lines (32/64) 
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 1
20.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 1
20.05.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Submenu indicator triangle was overlapping text in high DPI screen modes (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Windows 10 20H1 or newer: Use field "DisplayVersion" from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion if present (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Use new faster thumbnail extract method also for smaller JPG files without an embedded thumbnail image (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Couldn't activate different thumbnail in first row, the caret wasn't updated (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Thumbnails not displayed because of missing support for AlphaBlend function (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Main window elements have wrong size after changing main window or list font size (64)
18.05.21 Fixed: Ctrl+Q Quick View: Changing quickly between multiple videos may not play the one the cursor stopped on (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: Storing master password with Windows Hello didn't work on Windows 10 20H2 because it returned a different error code when the key didn't exist yet (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: View modes, Auto-run commands: '-' at start didn't prevent tab leave commands from running on tab change. Put '-' after | to prevent them, e.g. cm_srcexecs|-cm_srcallfiles (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: The option WarnTooBig=0 was only used for the zip packer, not for tar (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: When unpacking, only apply zone identifier to unpacked files, not to directories (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: Apply zone identifier stream after unpacking _all_ files for unpackers which unpack everything together when closing the archive, like the MultiArc plugin (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: Screen saver wasn't prevented on Windows XP/7 when switching to full screen video via double click (Alt+Enter worked) (32/64)
16.05.21 Fixed: Unpacking downloaded archives via MultiArc plugin would create 0 byte files (problem with zone identifier stream) (32/64)



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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 2

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27.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 2
27.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops: When switching from "directly after filename" to "aligned (with Tab), set a more reasonable position for the extension (32/64)
27.05.21 Fixed: Warning about modal dialog was shown in dark mode, F5 copy, click on "More options" -> "Compare" in overwrite dialog (32/64)
26.05.21 Fixed: Master password dialog: Uncheck Windows Hello option if the encryption of the password with Windows Hello fails (32/64)
24.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Plugins: Scale explaining texts also with larger dialog box fonts (32/64)
23.05.21 Fixed: Access violation trying to unpack subfolder from 7zip archive (internal 7zip unpacker only) after search - feed to listbox (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Thumbnails: Unchecking "Internal thumbnails for images" didn't disable the edit box for this option (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Find files, "Search in" field: List file option (@listfilename) only supported absolute paths (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Master password dialog: Disable Windows Hello option if NCryptOpenKey returns error 0x80090016, which means that Windows Hello is not enabled (no fingerprint scanner, no camera, and no pin set) (32/64)

32-bit (Windows 95 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)
64-bit (Windows XP,Vista, 7 - 10, ONLY 64-bit!)
32+64-bit (Combined installer Windows 95 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)
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Re: Total Commander 8.52a Final (x86/x64) Multilingual+Portable


Post by sakisvele »

Total Commander 10.00 RC2
Features in Total Commander now include :
Two file windows side by sideMultiple language and Unicode supportEnhanced search functionCompare files (now with editor) / synchronize directoriesQuick View panel with bitmap displayZIP, 7ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + pluginsBuilt-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy supportParallel port link, multi-rename toolTabbed interface, regular expressions, history+favorites buttons Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced searchCompare editor, cursor in lister, separate trees, logging, enhanced overwrite dialog etc.Unicode names almost everywhere, long names (>259 characters), password manager for ftp and plugins, synchronize empty dirs, 64 bit context menu, quick file filter (Ctrl+S)USB port connection via special direct transfer cable, partial branch view (Ctrl+Shift+B), and many improvements to ftp, synchronizing and other functionsAnd many more!
Allows you to remotely manage your network connected Enigma2 box from your PC.
(8.18 MiB)
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