Last Version of Zoom Player🧿⭐✅🔥

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Re: Last Version of Zoom Player🧿⭐✅🔥

Post by sakisvele »

Latest version
17.2 / 18 Beta 5 (October 4, 2023)

--- What's new in Zoom Player v18 beta 5:

New :

* You can now select IPTV streams as favorites and they automatically
show up under a "Favorites" group at the start of the stream list.

You can right click a favorite stream to re-arrange or sort your
favorites list or simply remove the stream from the favorites section.

* You can now hide IPTV groups from being listed by right-clicking the
group and selecting "Hide Group" or through the options dialog.

* Right-clicking an IPTV EPG entry will now show the program's description
and allow you to set a notification to remind you that the program is
about to start as well as specify that you want to automatically switch
to the program's stream in due time.

Notifications are remembered even if you close and re-open Zoom Player,
but they will not activate if Zoom Player is not running.

* New Hidden IPTV Group controls (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Control Bar / Timeline Area)
that allows you to control whether the timeline displays the current
playlist track number.

You can also toggle this setting through the control bar menu by
right-clicking the timeline with nothing playing (or middle-clicking
if something is playing).

* The Advanced Playlist Control interface is now accessible through the
right-click menu under the "Open Interface" section.
Change :

+ Optimized EPG parsing, improving load time by 5-15%.

+ The playlist editor's search feature has been enhanced to support
repeated search. Simply press Enter to cycle between all entries that
contain the searched term.

+ The Station Manager window now has an "X" in the corner to close the
window (previously you had to click the "close" button).

Fixes :

- The Media Libary's category editor's "Playlist" category option did
not display categories correctly if they had certain unicode characters
in the name (e.g. Emojis).
Click to expand...

Download Zoom Player 18 Beta 5
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Re: Last Version of Zoom Player🧿⭐✅🔥

Post by sakisvele »

Latest version
18 / 19.0 Beta 2 (January 24, 2024)

--- What's new in Zoom Player v19 beta 2:

New :

* Running Zoom Player on a fresh install will now asks if you would
like to enable "Performance Mode".

Choosing "Yes" does two things:

1. Enables D3D11 hardware accelerated video decoding in LAV Filters,
a requirement for smooth 4K video playback.

2. Sets the Video Renderer to MadVR, enabling HDR video support,
high quality video scaling, hardware accelerated subtitle
rendering and smoother motion.

Both settings can be modified in the advanced options dialog:
Adv. Options / Playback / Video

* A new "Help" section has been added to the right-click menu. The new
help section can quickly bring up the keyboard shortcut list or quick
usage guides for many of Zoom Player's popular interfaces.

* New keyboard macros to toggle libVLC playback:
Alt+"6" - Toggle libVLC IPTV playback (enabled/disabled)
Alt+"7" - Toggle libVLC BluRay playback (enabled/disabled)
Alt+"8" - Toggle libVLC Media file playback (enabled/disabled)
Alt+"9" - Toggle libVLC Streaming playback (enabled/disabled)

These toggles still require that you re-open the playing media
to take affect.

* The right-click menu has been extended with a new "Help" section.
The help section provides quick access to the keyboard shortcut list
and quick usage guides for most of Zoom Player's interfaces.

* The Play History dialog (Alt+"H") has gotten a face-lift, an option
whether to clear the playlist when playing from history, a button
that automatically sets the column sizes based on the current window
size and you can drag the play history window with the mouse by
clicking in any empty space.

* New "/infojson" command line parameter that can be used to query
a running instance of Zoom Player for information. The results
are returned in the windows clipboard as a UTF8 encoded JSON string.

This feature can be used in combination with Window's Powershell to
monitor and control Zoom Player entirely through the command line,
without requiring a TCP/IP connection to access the more advanced API.

Special characters are encoding using standard JSON character encoding.

If no additional parameters are specified, all fields are returned.
To get specific results, you can use a combination of one or more of
the following:

PlayState - A number representing the current play state where
0 : Closed
1 : Stopped
2 : Paused
3 : Playing

MediaName - UTF8 string containing the playing file name or URL.

Title - UTF8 string containing the playing media's title.

Position - The playing position in seconds.

Duration - The playing duration in seconds.

PlayIndex - The current playlist play index.

Playlist - UTF8 string containing the current playlist, each media
entry is specified as a part of a JSON array.

AudTrack - The current audio track number.

SubTrack - The current subtitle track number.

Example to get the playing media name, title, duration and position:
zplayer.exe /infojson:MediaName,Title,Duration,Position
Change :

+ The keyboard shortcuts list (F1 keyboard shortcut) is now a single
dialog which opens much faster and is no longer a part of the options
dialog which takes longer to open.

+ The "Toggle Control Bar" right-click menu option has been re-located
to the menu's root level.

+ If the playing media has only one audio track, it will no longer
be listed in the Stream Selection section of the right-click menu.

+ If MadVR is selected as the Video Renderer without being installed,
Zoom Player now notifies you and falls back to the EVR renderer.
Fixes :

- A bug caused some information dialogs to show the information in
the window's title and the actual title in the windows body.

- Fixed several libVLC related bugs,

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Re: Last Version of Zoom Player🧿⭐✅🔥

Post by sakisvele »

- What's new in Zoom Player v19 beta 3:

New :

* You can now use libVLC to cast the playing video to supported ChromeCast
devices. All you need to do is open "Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC" and
scan for the ChromeCast device. Any content played through the libVLC engine
will now display on the selected device. Please consider that it can take a
few seconds longer to open media files for casting.

* MPC-VR can now be selected as a Video Renderer for media playback. It is
not fully supported (subtitles, pixel-shaders and other unique features
for the video renderer will not work presently.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Control) that allows you to rollback
the current play position when resuming playback from the Pause state. This
feature is useful if you have an external receiver that requires a few
seconds to restore the audio when playback resumes.
Change :

+ If you previously used as Custom Video Renderer for media playback, you must
re-select the custom option (Adv. Options / Playback / Video).

+ Using the Next/Previous Track features now ensures the newly loaded track
is visible in the playlist editor.

+ Cleaned up some dialogs that had elements that were too close together,
especially under Windows 11.
Fixes :

- Scraping TheMusicDB should work once again.

- When Zoom Player's DSP filter is unable to connect to the audio renderer,
the DSP filter is now removed so Smart Play will not fail (fallback to
Microsoft's method of choosing components can be unstable), increasing
overall stability for badly authored media files.

- Fixed a bug that caused the media library background image to be overlaid
twice with a slight offset, slowing down opening a folder in the media
library a little bit and causing visual ghosting effects (was really hard
to see with the default background image).

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Re: Last Version of Zoom Player🧿⭐✅🔥

Post by sakisvele »

Latest version
18 / 19.0 Beta 4 (February 22, 2024)

New :

* The playlist editor has received support for multiple playlists
that you can instantly switch between. Multiple playlists are
loaded in a background thread so even if you use massive
playlists with 1000's of items, it should not have much of an
impact Zoom Player's load and close time performance.
Press the new multi-playlist button on the playlist editor (top
left corner) to add the current playlist, a playlist from a file
or manage the multiple playlists (remove, rename, reorder).

You can see me develop this feature live here:
Part 1 :

Part 2 :

* New "Cast to Device" feature on the main right-click menu and
available as a keyboard shortcut (Shift+"/") that allows you to
Cast the currently playing media to a Chromecast compatible
device. This feature does requires libVLC is installed but does
not require you to play the current media with libVLC (the
playback engines automatically switch as the media is casted).

You can see me develop this feature live here:

* New "1510" Zoom Player API message that is triggered when using
next/previous chapter. Returns the chapter's position in seconds

Fixes :

- Fixed a bug that caused the background image to show for a split-
second when dragging & dropping a media file on top of the player

Download Zoom Player 19.0 Beta 4
(39.68 MiB)

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